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Atom Probe Tomography of metallic glass

APT glasses
Metallic glass FeBSi annealed at 900°C was analyzed on a CAMECA LEAP 5000 XS™ in voltage pulsed mode at T=50K
using pulse fraction ƒ _ 𝒑 =20%. The material is composed of interconnected nanocrystals of Fe2B phase and FeSi phases. Using Field Evaporation Energy Loss Spectroscopy (retrieving information contained in the mass spectrum peak shapes), the presence of a grain boundary in FeSi is highlighted in yellow in the inset figure.

Recorded on a LEAP 5000 XS™ at the Université de Rouen, France. Image courtesy of François Vurpillot.
From Rousseau et al. Introducing field evaporation energy loss spectroscopy. Commun Phys 6, 100 (2023).