In the past decades, the analysis of small particles has been largely applied to dust samples from nuclear handling facilities in the search of non-declared nuclear activities. Although several analytical techniques have been used, only SIMS can presently perform in situ elemental and isotopic analysis with sub-µm spatial resolution and high sensitivity. Results can be obtained from a specimen as small as a few picograms (1E-12 grams).
The CAMECA LG-SIMS features numerous instrumental advantages that make it the best choice for small particle analysis, among which...
- High transmission at high Mass Resolving Power (MRP): removal of background interference with minimal loss of transmissium
- Ion Imaging capabilities for localizing U particles
- Parallel detection of all U isotopes for optimized precision and greatly improved throughput
- Automatic Particle Measurement software for fast screening of the sample to determine the location and enrichment of U particles
Nuclear particle screening using CAMECA APM sofware: above left, analysis of a sample containing standard µm-sized U particles with dual isotopic composition.
APM screening results are followed by more precise and accurate micro beam measurements performed on individual particles: on the right,
excellent precision obtained for major 235U as well as minor 236U isotope composition in multicollection mode (sample containing standard U particles). Minor isotopes provide essential information about enrichment facilities, origin and type of feed materials.
Data from: P. Peres et al, Surface and Interface Analysis 45-1, 561-565 (2013)